Revive Massage Therapy

The benefits of massage have been documented for centuries and whether you are looking for a rejuvenating Sports Massage or a relaxing Body Massage, Revive Massage Therapy will tailor your massage to suit your needs.

Whilst taking the time to train your body at the Gym you owe it to yourself to invest some time in allowing your body to heal, relax, remove toxins and recover as quickly as possible.

Using traditional massage mediums and therapy the Sports Massage and Swedish Massage treatments can be combined with both Hot Stone and Cupping Therapies to achieve the ideal and individual treatment that you are looking for.

Sports Massage 1 Hour £35.00

Swedish Massage 1 Hour £30.00

Hot Stone Massage 1 Hour £35.00

Sports Massage including Cupping Therapy 1 Hour £35.00

Sports Massage including Hot Stone Therapy 1 Hour £35.00

Facebook : Revive Massage Therapy Leicester